Suffer Ye the Little Children …?  

Posted by Tumwijuke Mutambuka in , ,

It is a well documented fact that child defilement tops the list of criminal cases in Uganda. Following closely on the list are cases of abuse and physical violence against children.

The Masindi District Police Commander, commenting on a recent case of child abuse in his area of jurisdiction, called the rising occurrence of these crimes “an abomination.”

I agree.

The authorities estimate that more than 50 percent of child abuse cases in Uganda go unreported. More often than not, parents are bribed with a goat, a tin of cooking oil or some money to forget the cases. To turn a blind eye to the plight of their own children.

I am indignant. I have chosen to taken it upon myself to name and shame those who, thanks to the media, have been exposed for perpetrating heinous crimes the defenseless and voiceless citizens of Uganda.

So Ladies and Gentlemen:

Welcome to the Hall of Shame for November 2006.

Onega Ajala of Waiga Village in Pakanyi sub-county, Masindi. The 67-year-old man was arrested on November 28, 2006 for raping his 12-year-old daughter. Confessed to the crime. Is in police custody.

Majid Bin Sadik, LC1 Secretary of Defense in Pallisa Town. Arrested on November 24, 2006 for forcefully marrying off his 14-yaer-old daughter a prominent businessman. Confessed but was later released by the Resident State Attorney because of ‘conflicting evidence.’

Hajj Balat Kabatenda. Arrested on November 2, 2006 for marrying Majid Bin Sadik’s 14-year-old daughter. Also confessed to the crime, but was released because of ‘conflicting evidence.’

Jackson Byenkya, bodaboda cyclist from Rukondwa, Masindi town. Arrested on November 24, 2006 for tying up his son with a heavy-duty 10 kilogram chain everyday for a month. Also denied his son food as a punishment for leaving the house without his permission. Not cooperating with the police. Is in police custody.

Jennifer Atiro of Oluffu in Maracha-Terego District. Arrested on November 22, 2006 for drowning her child in a river. Whereabouts unknown.

Annette Nagudi of Tororo town. Arrested on November 15, 2006 for dumping her one-year-old baby girl into a pit latrine. Confessed to the crime. Is in police custody.

Richard Mukwaya, former headmaster of Kapere Parents’ Primary School in Lukaya town, Masaka. Arrested on November 15, 2006 for defiling his 16-year-old student. Escaped lynching by angry mob. Is in police custody.

Unknown. Police in Katakwi on November 6, 2006 rescued 27 girls from child traffickers in Katakwi district. Girls were being taken to Ocorimongin Cattle Market where they would have been auctioned off in to a thriving sex industry in the area. Suspects in hiding.

Fred Muwanga. Sentenced to life imprisonment for raping a 3-month-old baby in 1999.

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